Sunday, November 3, 2019

Fall Fun

There are many reasons why it's wonderful to live next to the Chrismans.  One of them is that on occasion we will get their tickets for a football game.  These have always been good tickets since they are near the 50 yard line and only about 15 rows from the field.  But since the renovation of the stadium they have gotten even better because they come with access to the field level premium community area - a.k.a. room full of free food.

John was out of town and Reese had a sleepover, so Sarah and Callie got the take advantage of the royal treatment.  It was a cold night but the two of them had an absolute blast.  And Chris's sister and brother-in-law were at the game to show them the ropes. Callie's smile says it all.

Another year of school means another year of Variety Show fun at Cassidy. Reese branched out this year and joined girls from her class to perform a dance number to Girls Just Wanna Have Fun. It was sweet, age appropriate, and somewhat coordinated.  The thing that melted our hearts the most, though, was that when Reese had her mini solo, Callie and her fifth grade crew erupted in cheers.

Callie, meanwhile, was participating in Variety Show swan song, and this was her fifth year being a part of it. So what better way to cap it all off then to have a showcase of all their previous performances. They did a phenomenal job and we are truly thankful that Laurie Preston had the drama-teacher background that brought it all together.

With the Variety Show concluded, it was time for the next opportunity to dress up.  We were all pretty excited because Reese has had her costume since our July visit to the Everglades. For some reason this year Callie never really pulled a costume together. Lucky for us we have a basement full of options from previous years, and a butterfly seemed like it would work well.

We ended up actually outfitting both her and one of her friends and grabbed a net for Reese so she could chase her sister all night.  It ended up working out quite nicely.

For years we have had a tradition of getting together with Harper and Kennedy for Halloween, and this time around we decided to go around their neighborhood.  Now we must admit that their costumes have always had a darker tone than ours, but this year they really took it to another level.  Doesn't seem to bother Reese and Callie and they don't really know what the story of the costumes is.  But as long as it doesn't interfere with their candy collection they don't mind.

Although we had a busy fall, this year we were lucky that we were able to fit in some family photos.  The photographer was fun to work with and we got quite a few good ones of the girls. Yet out of all the photos we took we only had one family picture that turned out well.  But this is the one that qualified for the blog.

In the month of October and November, five of Callie's good friends, including herself, all have birthdays. This happens to be a picture from Addie's birthday party, which had a movie theme.  The girls took pictures and made their own short films. They are certainly a creative bunch and a silly group when they get together.

Every year at Cassidy they host a big Thanksgiving meal and invite all the parents to attend.  Unfortunately John's teaching schedule didn't allow him to join in the fun, but Sarah was able to eat not one, but two helpings of instant mashed potatoes.

This continued the farewell tour of all of Callie's annual Cassidy events.  Her last Thanksgiving celebration in elementary school.  This event is always couple with the book fair.  Callie capitalized on her mom's sentimental mood and was able to make quite a large purchase of books that day.

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