Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Long Awaited 5th Grade Activities

There are a lot of events that happen during the 5th grade year at Cassidy, and Callie had been excited about most of them. One thing she was very much looking forward to was the day at Biztown.  The preparation for this day takes several weeks, but the day itself is what everyone looks forward to. Callie was super excited because she was selected to be the CEO of Forcht Bank. Although this sounds impressive just in terms of the title, her bank had to produce all of the paychecks for the entire fifth grade.  And that was responsible for providing the cash flow for all of the student run businesses on site.  It was quite a responsibility.

Callie was up to the task and took her responsibility seriously. In fact, she got the award of Top Business and Top CEO for the day. If this minor simulation foreshadows the future, we might be able to stop saving for retirement and just let her take care of us. But in all serious, this was a phenomenal experience and all of her friends seemed to enjoy their various jobs and responsibilities.

Next up for the 5th graders was what is known as Colonial Days, where each student learns and then demonstrates a particular craft or trade.  Callie was a potter and got to get her hands dirty all day long.

The students also had to dress the part, and we were very fortunate in that a friend's older sister still had her outfit from her Colonial Days experience.  So we didn't have to buy anything but a slab of clay and some good hand soap for the potter in training.

Another experience from 5th grade was Callie's flirtation with the alto saxophone. Following her failed engagement with the violin in 4th grade, she decided to try her hand at the band. Unfortunately we have to report that this experience was short-lived as well. But we did have the good fortune to attend two different band concerts over the year.

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