Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Baby Girl: The Sequel

What's better than one cute little daughter? Two cute little daughters! At least that is what we are hoping, because we are having another little girl. In this post we have three relatively recent ultrasound pictures of Baby Peanut. We decided to have Callie join us for the ultrasound experience so that she could get a first hand look at what was really going on in Sarah's belly. More than anything, we were hoping she would impress the doctors and technicians with her bone-identification skills.

This first shot definitely gave her an opportunity to talk about vertebrae and femurs. It was cool because the doctor who reviewed the ultrasound was the same one who had diagnosed Callie's kidney reflux three years ago. So we got to thank him and show off Callie in all of her healthy glory. But the real star of the show was Baby Peanut, and the doctor gave positive reviews of her development so far. Everything is where it should be and growing appropriately.

If the pictures were any indication, Peanut is not at all shy. The tech had no problem finding things like the foot you see above, and also found it quite easy to identify her gender. it is important for us to note that Callie was the only one of Team Bowes and others who correctly predicted that Peanut was a girl. Because she was spot on with that prediction we capitalized on her knowledge and asked what we should name her sister. Callie quickly replied, "Brother Bowes." Of course, since that time her desired name is Miss Donna Bowes, after her favorite teacher at daycare. We can confirm that neither of these names has made the short list.

It appears that Peanut is just as excited to meet Callie as Callie is to be her big sister. The tech was kind enough to point out that Peanut was waving hello and we all thought that was really cool. Our next ultrasound is in October, and at that point preparations for the arrival should be in high gear. Preparations should actually be in higher gear right now, but we have been a little slow to get moving. Overall, the excitement level is building, and Team Bowes can't wait to welcome our fourth teammate to the world. Three months and counting - almost to the day.