Sunday, September 8, 2019

Fall Soccer LFC Style

In Fall 2018 we embarked on a whole new soccer adventure with Lexington Football Club.  Both Callie and Reese were playing with LFC for the first time, so we did not know what exactly to expect.  Reese was excited because she was going to be with the U9 LFC Academy, and her friend Ella Hughes was going to play on the team too.  In fact, Reese had numerous friends from school on her team.
Of course the fall is also the time for high school soccer, and we have become huge fans of Lafayette's Girls Soccer because of Ella Abraham, who was looking strong for her sophomore year.  It was her second year starting varsity and she was getting a lot of playing time.  Therefore the games were even more fun to watch.

Reese and her friend Ella were embracing the soccer theme every chance they got, and that included face paint.

Of course we are also fortunate to live about a mile from the University of Kentucky's home soccer field, which means it is easy to catch a game if we have the time.  Reese's team did a group outing to a women's game early on in the season and had a great time.

Callie's LFC team was going to be a challenge from the start.  To make a long story short, she and three of her friends were going to be playing on a team made up mostly of girls who were born in 2006.  So for the whole season they would be playing in a league of teams made up of older girls.  Regardless of anything else these four girls had each other and that made it a much better experience overall.

Reese not only enjoyed the social aspect of her new team, but she also flourished on the field.  This is a special picture because it captures the one and only time that Claire Abraham reffed a youth game.  After this one she hung up her whistle and called it a career.

One thing that Reese and Callie have in common is that they are very coachable when it comes to soccer.  John likes to think that he laid some good groundwork, but it may just be that they are very happy to have a coach who is not their father.

Although we did not know at the time that this would be Claire's only appearance as a ref, Sarah made sure to do a proper photo shoot when the game ended.  What follows is a photo series we like to call, "Red Card".  The first photo is subtitled, "What?!?"
The second photo is, "You've got to be kidding me, ref!!"
And last, but not least, we have, "I'm sorry I didn't mean it!"

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