Sunday, November 3, 2019

Thanksgiving in CO

With the exception of the year Sarah was nine months pregnant with Reese, we have spent every Thanksgiving as a couple in either California or Connecticut.  Well 2018 was groundbreaking because the Bowes family headed to Colorado for Thanksgiving at the Hannens.  We all gathered outside Denver and looked forward to a new experience.

Reese and Callie always love to have time with their cousins.  Reese especially loves this time with Zoey because this is the time of year when they are both the same age until Reese's birthday in December.  And Zoey certainly seems to appreciate the attention she gets from her older cousins.

Of course it isn't just about the little ones. The Balestracci boys have never said no to a good time either, especially the oldest Balestracci boy.  Callie and Reese love their Uncle Chris, that's for sure.  It was great to have the whole crew together, and fun to hear how Brendan's first year and Michael's last year of college were going.

It just so happened that a great Thanksgiving 5K was held in the town next door so we all got to head outside Thanksgiving morning and get in some good exercise. It was a little chilly at the start, but the girls were all ready to go.  We hoped that this turkey trot experience would be better then our last family one in Sacramento.  At the very least neither one of us wanted to have to carry Reese for the last 2 miles.

So here was the official 5K crew.  We made it in time for the start, had our own personal cheerleader in Sport, and had packed our good attitudes.

We weren't able to stay together for the entire run, but we all managed to finish with smiles on our faces, so that's a good thing.  It turned out to be a beautiful day and we had definitely earned our meal.

And in the midst of everything we were able to spend some time with some good friends who live in Denver.  Thomas and John went to college together and were roommates in Los Angeles when they were both dating their now wives.  In short, the four adults pictured here have known each other for a while and don't see each other enough.  But we got some in some ice skating, a visit to Powell's bookstore, and a nice breakfast.  So when all was said and done, we had a wonderful visit to the Rockies.  Can't wait to get back there!

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