Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Santa, Nutcracker, Chocolate, and Jingles

Typically, on November 1 we receive our invitation to go meet Santa at the Mayfield-Ingle residence.  This year was no different, and so once Thanksgiving was over, we welcomed the Christmas holiday season with our first official event. Although we have attempted to get family pictures before, this is the first time we really to a good one of all four of us with the jolly guy.

One of the best things about this event is that the girls get to truly engage with Santa, and Reese took every advantage of the opportunity this year. This Santa is really a good guy and always seems to know how to get the kids talking.

This year we decided to reenact a picture we first took eight years ago when all three of these girls were only three years old and not at all interested in interacting with Santa. They have gotten a lot taller in the intervening years and clearly a lot more comfortable with the whole situation.
Another grand tradition for the holidays is the girls trip to see the Nutcracker.  Fortunately, we were able to make it happen even though we only remembered to get tickets a couple days before the performance. It was another great time together and we were able to see Katherine Bracken in yet another role.

Although we have lost count of just how many years it has been going on, Sarah and Kelly once again invested a whole day into dipping chocolate. They dip cookies, pretzels, potato chips, bacon, and just about anything else that isn't nailed down and is edible. Everyone benefits from all of the work they do.  And the best part is that they have a lot of fun doing it.

Another great event to mark the holiday season is Ms. Stringer's Winter Concert at Cassidy. She puts so much work into making it a lot of fun for all the kids and parents. Part of this year's fun was the fact that Callie's friend Addie played the role of DJ Jingles, her friend Holland was the principal, and Callie got a spotlight role as the Grinch. Great times all around.

The only way to celebrate a performance like that was to head to Graeter's and get some quality ice cream with family friends. And the holidays kept rolling on!

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