Monday, November 11, 2019

Uncle Chris, Fencer Extraordinaire

When we were out in Colorado for Thanksgiving, we found out that Chris was going to be at a U.S. fencing competition in Cincinnati in December.  We jumped at the chance to see him in action since we have heard so much about his fencing prowess over the years.  And as usual, Chris was always ready to host, teach, and be generous even when he should have been focused on the competition.

It was so cool to see him in his element.  This picture does not come close to capturing the passion with which he fences.  Nor does a simple photo highlight the noise that accompanies both each successful touch and point.
As an extra bonus, we not only got to see Chris but also his mother Suzy, who has only taken up fencing very recently.  But I guess when you watch your son live out his dreams for as long as Suzy has you finally have to give it a go.  Watch out, Callie and Reese, your Mom might start looking into an over 40 soccer league!

What was also great to watch was Chris giving his Mom advice as she scoped out her competition and prepared for her very first bout.

We must admit that after watching Chris in all his glory, Suzy in the  women's over 70 division was a slightly different experience. The movement was more tentative and the speed was a bit reduced.  But Suzy held her own and came away with some good lessons for her next bout.

We had to leave before the day was done for Chris, but we had an incredible time and were so glad we had the opportunity to see him do what he loves to do.

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