Thursday, June 14, 2018

Christmas in Song

The fall semester of LOGOS at our church led up to the Christmas pageant performed by the children involved in the program.  It is always a performance that we enjoy seeing, and not only because our kids are a part of it.  This year was special because Vivie Ann was chosen to be the angel and had several solos.

At this point we know just about all of the kids who are a part of the production, so it makes the entire show more meaningful.  It isn't just a bunch of kids alongside our own precious children.  There are kids who Sarah has had dinner with every Wednesday for the past twelve weeks and kids that John has led through games and other activities throughout the same period of time.

That being said, our kids are pretty cool.  This year Callie took on a narrator role, which complemented some of Vivie's parts.  It made for a sweet picture since they have been a part of this performance for the past five years.

Singing doesn't only happen at church, however, and both girls are part of their school's choral program.  Reese is part of the Choristers, which is for 1st and 2nd graders.  Miss Stringer, their music teacher, does an amazing job of picking great songs and engaging the students so that they perform to their greatest potential.  It is a sight to see and a sound to hear.

The 3rd through 5th graders are part of the Cassidy Chorus, and this year their concert had a 1950s theme.  It meant we got to buy a poodle skirt for Callie, which our regular readers will remember from our post on Halloween.  Miss Stringer not only puts together great music, but somehow gets these boys and girls to perform multiple movements.  In one instance this year it included the whole chorus doing the hand jive.  Overall, it was another great performance.  And although we don't have a picture of this, Callie was also part of a performance by the Cassidy Dance Team.  Just to give you a taste, they danced to the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy trap remix.  We'll let your imagine run wild with that.

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