Saturday, January 16, 2016

Spring Soccer with the Sharks

Spring marked the second season for the Sharks, Callie's soccer team that John coached.  It had been a tough first season that was marked by character building far more than by victories.  Nevertheless, Callie was excited to suit up again and get out on the field.  The good news is that this season we saw more goals and even experienced the joy of a win...more than once even!  This joy was felt deeper by the coaches and parents than even the players.  As you can see in the picture, Reese also showed signs of wanting to get in on the action.  We pulled out Callie's first soccer uniform and it worked well for Reese.  Once she pulled on the shinguards she was dead set on playing.  But she has to wait one more season.

Although we didn't get a picture of the actual events, Callie did score a goal or two this season, and overall played better than ever.  It seems like something finally clicked in her head and she started going after the ball and running all over the field.  Even more important and impressive, she probably had the best field sense on the team.  That meant she could play any position and knew where to be on the field.  This is the kind of thing that makes a U8 coach's day, and it is icing on the cake when that player is the coach's daughter.

One of the great things about the season was also that about 3/4 of the team from the fall season played again in the spring.  So the girls were starting to get more comfortable with each other as well. And since many of the new players were students from Cassidy (Callie's school), they fit in very well.  All in all, it was another great soccer season, and we were very lucky to have an incredible group of girls and families.  John again did a great job of coaching all year and making sure the girls were focused on effort, attitude, and fun.  It is safe to say that no team had more fun than the Sharks.

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