Friday, January 22, 2016

Callie's 2015 Dance Recital

Never let it be said that we like to waste any time.  Our free day in Chicago on the way back from California meant that we got into Lexington late Tuesday night.  Wednesday night was Callie's dance recital.  When we planned our vacation we thought we were going to miss the recital, but the folks at Diana Evans didn't want that to happen and therefore arranged to have Callie join another class whose recital would be on the last night.  With our original flight plan getting us into town on Monday night this was not supposed to be a big deal and Callie would have had at least another full day to adjust to being back on East Coast time.  Fortunately she is a trooper when she has to be.

This year Callie had three different routines and no rehearsals at the Opera House before the big night.  But this was her fourth recital so she knew the drill.  First up was My Favorite Things and she was ready to go in as one of the girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes.  She got to dance with the instructor who was dressed up as Maria and she did an amazing job.  Callie was super excited for this dance because one of her favorite movies is the Sound of Music and it worked out well.

Next up was her tap routine that was performed to a song titled I Like Bananas or something along those lines.  The dance was great, the song was strange, and the costume was a little bit much (especially trying to get the hat to stay on).  But Callie loved it and she also loved her final jazz routine to Wake Me Up (Before You Go-Go).  That costume is not pictured here, in part because if you thought the tap outfit was over the top...well think neon green, aqua, and ruffles.  But the most important thing is that for the fourth straight year Callie loved performing with her classmates on the big stage.  And we love seeing her so happy.

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