Sunday, July 24, 2016

The Gift

For the fifth year we had the pleasure of watching Callie dance on stage at the Lexington Opera House as part of the annual Diana Evans Dance Recital.  Each year is a different theme, and often times they have to stretch to make the dances fit the theme.  This year took the cake, as Diana worked very hard to weave each dance into The Gift.  Take, for example, the picture to the left.  This was Callie's jazz number, that had the title, "Walk Like a Dinosaur".  The entire family agreed that this costume was the least appealing overall.  But it was fun to see a T-Rex incorporated into the number.

You wouldn't know it by her face, but Callie enjoyed her tap routine, titled, "Boogie Woogie Bugs".  Callie didn't start dance this year until January, but she quickly got up to speed and did a great job learning all three dances for the recital.  She has had a lot of fun with dance over the past five years, but we still aren't sure if we have to put this recital on our calendar for next year.

It's very possible that if she does dance again next year it will be with a more traditional ballet company.  One reason for this is practical, in that because she grows out of her shoes every year we would be much happier buying only one pair of dance shoes.  Besides, Callie very much enjoys ballet and is quite graceful when she puts her mind to it.

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