Sunday, July 24, 2016

Jonah and the Whale

This June marked the sixth year that Callie has participated in our church's music and arts camp.  For Reese, it is year three and she had a great time.  The theme was Jonah and the Whale, and Reese loved learning the music with Mrs. H, who has also worked with the pre-school kids throughout the year in LOGOS.  One of the biggest things we are going to miss with Reese going into kindergarten is no longer having Mrs. H as a music teacher.

Callie is a veteran of these productions.  Each year we are always impressed with the overall production and the performance.  The teachers work very efficiently and very hard to put a show together over the course of a single week.  This year we could have sworn the kid who played Jonah was a professional.  She had solos, monologues, and a whole lot of personality.

Callie was selected to be part of the whale's mouth that swallowed Jonah.  She was pretty excited to be such an integral part of the show, though you can't really see her joy in this picture here.  You'll just have to trust us on this one.  Who knows what roles await her next year, but she continues to be comfortable singing in front of our congregation, so that's a good thing.

Six years ago we took a picture of these three girls that is very different from the one you see here.  Take a moment and go back to the post in July 2011 labeled, "Where Did June Go?" and you will see what we are talking about.  Both Vivie Ann and Callie wouldn't even look at the camera, and now they are ready for third grade.  Murphy, in the middle here, looked at the camera but was certainly not smiling.  And now she is about to enter fourth grade.  These three have really grown up to be fun and smart girls with a whole lot of personality.

But part of what made this week even more special was the fact that Libby and Lucy attended the camp as well.  This was Lucy's first year and Libby's second.  And for the whole week they stayed with Birdie and Pop, which meant they were right next door and we spent pretty much the whole week hanging out them.  Every morning before camp the girls played for a couple of hours and every night after camp we did a different activity.  The week was not boring to say the least, and we once again were able to prove our value as neighbors to Sharon and Chris.

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