Saturday, August 24, 2024

Hitting the Books Again

And just like that, even though meteorological summer wasn't over until September 21, the Bowes summer was over and a new school year had begun.

Both Callie and Reese were starting their second years in their respective schools, so we didn't have any nervous jitters around what to expect or how to get around the building. They were calm, cool, collected, and ready for the year ahead. We were excited to see what the new year would bring.

For Reese, the new year brought a new sport. After her successful 6th grade track season the Morton cross-country coach came calling and recruited her for the team. Reese was a bit wary but likes Coach Travis so was willing to give it a try. It was an impressive feat because much of the fall required her to juggle cross country practices and a soccer practices. She did great in the meets she was able to attend and finished off that season with a third-place finish in the Fayette County championships. If you asked her, though, she would say that the anxiety around the races were too much for her to take. We'll see if she continues this sport but we are proud of her for trying it.

Of course the girls aren't the only ones with school affiliations in this household and it turned out that one of UK's first home football games featured the Colonels of Eastern Kentucky University. Sharon and Chris generously offered to bring us to the game and even allowed John to wear his EKU gear in their seats. It was a little tense early on when EKU actually had the lead and the Cats were not looking good. The tide soon shifted, but it was a little dicey at the beginning.

We feel so fortunate to have not just good neighbors but good friends in the Chrismans. Whenever we get together it is always a good time and we are able to talk anything and everything. Sharon even told Sarah how to pose for this picture to get the most flattering profile. Sarah always appreciates any opportunity to learn from the wisdom that Sharon provides.

Nana Banana and Sport came out for their fall trip to visit and catch some soccer games. We decided to give them the full experience which meant they got to drive up to Indiana to see Reese's club team play. Nothing beats six hours in a car just to see a 90-minute game. Even better, the timing of the game meant we drove up the night before and added a hotel stay to the mix. If you asked them they would say they would have driven twice as long if it meant they got to see their granddaughter play. 

Here is a picture of Reese's squad for the fall season. They ended up having their fair share of wins in various states, all while getting to know a new coach. Reese loved Coach Kurt and ended up starting at left back for the season. She continues to show tremendous grit and skill as she holds her own against girls half a foot taller and who, it is safe to say, have a few pounds on her. Reese is deceptively tough and fun to watch.

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