Saturday, August 24, 2024

Ending Another Summer of Fun

Out two weeks in the Southwest made the summer magical, but it did not mean that summer was completely over just yet. We still had a few trips up our sleeve.

Before Ella and Claire went off to college we fit in some family fun by going with the Abrahams to see The Chicks play in Louisville. It was Callie's third concert of the year but this marked Reese's debut on the concert scene. The four adults sat in one section and the four kids sat together several rows away in seats with a better view. It was a great show and the girls enjoyed watching Reese react to concert shenanigans going on around them. Education doesn't just take place in the classroom.

Meanwhile, the year of celebrating the half-century mark continued. This time Sarah flew to Jackson Hole to join her crew in marking Lauren's birthday. Following our experience in Zion, Sarah had recommended e-bikes for excursions into Grand Teton National Park. And yet again, they were a huge hit as each individual could rely on the alternative power as much as they wanted. The bikes were deemed the Great Activity Equalizer. We all need a way to keep up with Lauren, who appeared to return her bike with almost a full charge remaining.

It was absolutely a wonderful weekend filled with biking, hiking, eating, and drinking. In short, a perfect way to celebrate both a birthday and over thirty years of friendship. Sarah loves the Grand Tetons and can't wait to find another reason to return and spend more time in the area. 

While Sarah was high in the mountains, John was on the eastern edge of Long Island having his own birthday celebration. For the first time in four years the whole crew was able to gather in one place, thanks to the fact that we could all crash at Bill's house. For a couple of days we were able to reconnect, tell stories, eat, and drink. There was far less hiking involved on the Atlantic Coast, that's for sure. But for a crew that has known each other for more than four decades, the bonds remain strong and it is so easy to be together.

We did venture on a very short hike on the beach one evening and this is proof. Perhaps we were all tired because of the distance traveled to get here. Bill now lives in Madrid, Spain, Tyler in Long Beach, California, and Ted in Seattle. It makes the journey from Kentucky seem like a walk in the park. Regardless, getting together is so important. We even manage to take some time away from talking about the past to work through the trials and tribulations of the present. There is nothing quite so valuable as true friendships.

We must also note that the trips with friends were made possible through the love and generosity of Aunt Katie, who flew down to Lexington to spend time with Callie and Reese while their parents were gallivanting around the country. Katie didn't have an easy assignment either, as she had to get the girls to their soccer obligations, which for Callie included toilet-papering houses to welcome new varsity players to the high school team. Thank you, Aunt Katie!

Speaking of soccer, Callie took all the courses required to become an official referee and thus entered her first paying job. She wasn't quite ready to tackle the responsibilities of being a center ref but was happy to run the lines and take care of things that way. It's a big step and a fun one to see.

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