Saturday, July 13, 2024

School Ends, Summer Begins


The girls were running all over the place in spring. And by running, we mean they were running track in addition to playing soccer. Callie really enjoyed track at Morton so Reese was ready to give it a go, and it certainly helped that track would once again allow her to connect with Mary and Emerson. Reese and Emerson in particular often ran the same races which made it super fun for their parents. Reese had quite a successful season and wrapped it up by winning the 800 meter race at the 6th grade invitational. Those long legs and big heart served her well all season long.

On the soccer field, Reese's team was hoping to follow up on a strong fall season in which they held their own against some of the toughest competition in the Girls Academy. They were going to have to work hard because unfortunately one of their teammates suffered a torn ACL in December and was going to miss all spring and the following fall. Reese continued to work her butt off playing defense and showed tremendous skill and resiliency. By season's end the girls finished middle of their division (which isn't bad since the first place team won the national championship) and had the best showing of any of the top girls teams in LSC.

When school ended in May we had to take a moment to realize Callie had just finished her first year of high school and Reese had completed sixth grade. Both girls had strong academic showings and we are incredibly proud of how they balance their days amid all of their sports activities and other commitments.

At the beginning of June we had special visitors in Kentucky. Sarah's cousin Tyler and his family came to Louisville so we drove down to hang out for the day. We had a great time at Top Golf and walking across the bridge over the Ohio River from Louisville to southern Indiana. Clearly we had so much fun that we neglected to get a picture of all of us together, so instead we just have the four Bowes in front of the bridge. We promise that they were really there!

Callie got to spend another week at Cathedral Domain summer camp, one of her favorite weeks of the year. This group of girls have gone to this camp together for approximately 7-8 years and they always look forward to going again. It is a classic summer camp experience without any bells or whistles. Old cabins, no cell phones, and a lot of outdoor fun.

For the second year in a row Reese went to soccer camp at Centre College in Danville. She roomed with Emerson but there were a lot of other girls from Lexington there as well. Reese made sure her room had an ample supply of candy and had a great time playing soccer and getting soft serve ice cream in the cafeteria. It doesn't take too much to earn Reese's camp loyalty. 

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