Saturday, July 13, 2024

One weekend, one family, four different locations

In this post we tell a story in four photographs. It is a story of one weekend, one family, and four very different experiences in four very different states.

Kentucky. We begin our tale in Lexington, where Reese had the opportunity to spend the weekend with the Abrahams and the Hughes. She was holding down the fort, but had to do so in two separate households because everyone else in her family was out of town. You can see from this picture that she wasn't too disappointed or lonely as she had plenty of close friends entertaining her. These friends made it easy for us to leave the state and not be too concerned about her wellbeing.

Tennessee. Pictured here are Callie and her friends strolling down a street in Nashville heading to their first official concert. That's right, Taylor Swift, the Eras Tour. There is a long story behind it all, but the short version is that Callie got a last minute ticket and two different moms took care of the driving and chaperoning. From what we understand from Callie and her friends, and of course reviews from the other millions of people who have attended this tour, it was a pretty decent show. Not a bad first concert story for Callie either.

California. 2023 was the year everyone turned 50. (Unless you are Sarah, who turned 50 in 2022). For their respective 50th birthdays Sarah and John committed to supporting each other in traveling to be with friends to celebrate these milestones. So for this weekend Sarah was in Paso Robles for Auntie D's birthday celebration. The weekend included wine tastings, sitting by the pool, and a party bus. But more importantly, it was all about making more memories with good friends.

Massachusetts. John was the only one who headed east, making a dash for Boston and the 50th birthday celebration of his good friend from college, Masu. As with any celebration like this it brings together all sorts of folks, and John got to reconnect with numerous college friends who got to enjoy the great party Masu and her husband Bader put together. It more than just your average birthday party and each guest went home with at least one book that was a favorite read of Masu's. 

Not bad for a weekend full of fun, and while we don't want to make a habit of being in four different places, it's nice to know that we have the ability to do so.

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