Saturday, July 14, 2018

Easter Bunny Unmasked

It was another themed morning put on by the Easter Bunny.  This year the theme was arts and crafts.  But little did the bunny know that this was also the year that her identity was going to be revealed.  Shortly after going through the three-leveled crafts carts, Reese turned to Sarah and said, "You're really the Easter Bunny, right?"  And just like that, Sarah had to come clean.  Reese's response was, "Ella's mom was right. Easter baskets do come from our parents."  She then said later that morning, "Are you also Santa Claus?"  This question was a step too far for her older sister, and Callie shut down that line of questioning, most likely because she just doesn't want to know the answer.  For the record, Reese was in no way devastated to learn the Easter Bunny was not real.

Once we had moved past the big reveal, we got ready for church and headed to the chapel for the Easter egg hunt.  Everyone there was in a pretty good mood, but we had to wait for all the kids to arrive so we could kick off the hunt properly.  Waiting always leads to silliness, as pictured here.

The moms didn't want the kids to think that they were the only ones who could be silly.  Or perhaps they wanted to embarrass their children, which is getting increasingly easier as the girls get older.  The fun has truly just begun in this regard.

Easter also means an annual photo of the Abraham-Bowes children.  The first one we have is from when Reese was only about four months old.  They are all just a little bit older and taller these days.  This year was extra special since the Abrahams as well as our entire wine group joined us and Chris Chrisman for Easter dinner.  Chris was flying solo because Sharon was in Florida with their daughter Sarah and Sarah's girls.
We did manage to get a family picture of the four of us as well, though we need to work on perspective.  Yes, John is the tallest member of the family but he is not quite the giant it would appear from this particular picture.

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