Saturday, July 28, 2018

A Fun Filled Spring

It sometimes happens that the girls get to go down to EKU's campus with John when they have a day off from school, and it is always a question of what will keep them busy.  On this particular day, Reese was ready to make a sign John could put outside his office door.  This is the perfect combination of a message from her elementary school and a common issue she has heard her Dad complain about a lot.  It will be up outside his office for years to come.

Reese and Callie also got into the art carts that they received for Easter in a pretty big way.  They spent hours up in their room making all sorts of crafty items and had a big idea of selling them.  So on a cold spring day Reese wheeled their carts out on the driveway and tried to lure in the customers.  She had titled her business "Reese's Creation Cart" and was selling items for $.25 to $1.50.  Business was not brisk, but it sure was cute.

Spring also meant soccer, and as crazy as it may seem, this marked the very last season for a Bowes girl to be on the Sharks.  For four years and eight seasons either Callie or Reese had worn the black #1 jersey.  The very same jersey.  And John was one of the coaches for all eight of those seasons.  It is truly the end of an impressive era, and the Sharks finished with another wonderful group of girls and parents.  What a great run.

Although the picture doesn't capture it here, this year's spring soccer season was condensed because of many weekends of bad weather.  The Fillies at one point played two games during the week to make up for lost weekends.  They had another strong season and ended up in the championship game.  Unfortunately this season they lost the final game, but it certainly was not because of a lack of effort.  We'll see what happens next year.

In April a wonderful Cirque de Soleil show was in Rupp Arena, so we bought tickets and had a family date night.  We had a wonderful dinner with fancy drinks and then headed over to see Corteo.  The girls were amazed by the acrobatics involved and each scene kept all four of us entertained and engaged.  It was a great night all around.

Happy Mother's Day!  We had the great fortune of having out of town visitors for Mother's Day weekend.  Despite the fact that she was only a few weeks past an ankle surgery, Nana Banana made the drive down to Lexington with Sport and spent the weekend going to soccer games, church, and Mother's Day brunch.  It was wonderful to have both of them in town and the girls loved spending time with their grandparents.

With everyone dressed up for Mother's Day we decided to take the opportunity for a family picture.  You can't see it well from this, but our backyard looks stunning, at least in comparison to past years.  This is not really because of anything we have done.  We are once again in the mindset of maintaining good work done by other people.  And the four of us look pretty good too.

The girls always like to bust out games when Nana Banana and Sport are in town, and somehow Pie Face was one that made the mix this time.  They know that their grandparents are willing to do almost anything, so it made them easy targets for the game involving whip cream roulette.  And yes, Sport lost this particular battle.

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