Monday, June 20, 2016

Keeneland and the Derby

There are few better places to be in the spring than at Keeneland on a sunny day. Our friends the Prestons held down a great spot on the fence right near the finish line. The girls enjoyed getting a close up view of the horses, and some of the employees brought the guide horses right by for a quick nuzzle. They also had little hard candies the girls could feed to the horse.  So cool.

Not only the horses got treats, of course. Sarah, Patty, and Laurie all took in a frozen mint julep that was perfect on a hot and sunny day. Unfortunately, a sad truth is that this is the first mint julep that Sarah has been able to truly enjoy during her time in Kentucky. It's amazing what a little ice can do.

Our seats at the finish line meant we also had the perfect view for every race. The girls loved seeing the horses barrel down the homestretch and fly by as they completed the race. They were definitely into the competitive spirit and were quick to make requests for bets.

And for the very last race of the day each of the five girls had the same horse in mind. So John went to the window and made a $1 bet to show for each one of them. Captain Caution strikes again, because if he had followed their orders and bet the horse to win they would have won a bit more. But hey, they still walked away with $2 each and what they don't know won't hurt them.

In the weeks leading up to the Kentucky Derby we received word that Grandma Lucas was not doing very well. We made an extra effort to put on our Derby hats and send a special picture her way so that she knew she was in our thoughts. Unfortunately she passed away that afternoon, but we do know she saw the picture we sent.

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