Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The first missing tooth

Callie's birthday happened to be only the first indication that she was growing older.  The second big indicator appeared at the very end of that weekend.  After months of wiggling and after weeks of nagging by her parents about it, Callie finally managed to put aside her fears and allowed her mother to give a little tug and remove her first baby tooth.  Although there were immediate tears they were quickly followed by squeals of joy.  The emotions that a lost tooth can evoke are quite amazing.  She was so incredibly proud of it and we were struck by the fact that she is getting older every single day.

There were several things that needed to happen once the tooth popped out. The first was to send a text to her teacher Ms. Wood to tell her to be ready to sing the tooth song on Monday morning in class.  The second was to write a note to the tooth fairy to include with her tooth.  Callie was very particular and wanted to ensure that the tooth fairy left her tooth.  We are happy to report that the tooth fairy obliged and even left Callie $2 and a note of her own.  Callie was thrilled to receive the correspondence and cannot wait to lose another tooth or two.

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