Sunday, January 25, 2015

Miscellaneous Fall

On November 1 we were honored to run the Live to Breathe 5K to help raise money to fight lung cancer.  Sarah's former boss Mary was one of the main organizers and she is very passionate about it because earlier that year her younger brother had lost his fight against the disease.  Unfortunately the cause hit even closer to home for us because John's Uncle Tommy had recently been diagnosed with lung cancer.  We felt good about being able to show our support and had a good run on a day that was quite cold and even had a few snow flurries.  Sarah made quite a fashion statement in one of the girls winter hats.  She loves the idea that she can already borrow their clothes.

Fall also marked Callie's second year in the LOGOS program at our church, and that means she helped lead worship in song with what is officially called the cherub choir.  They are quite a cute bunch, and you may not be able to see it in this picture, but Callie takes her singing quite seriously.  She is very focused when she sings and is not smiling or playing to the crowd.  It is still great to see her up there when only a few years ago we wondered if she would ever be willing and able to stand up in front of large groups.

Every now and then a little yard work gets done around here, and for perhaps the first time both Callie and Reese specifically wanted leaves raked just so that they could jump in the pile.  This particular action shot highlights the enthusiasm that Callie had as she threw her whole body at the pile with little regard for how little cushion their might actually be.  While not pictured here, you can trust us when we say that Reese attacked the leaves with equal abandon.

The very first snowfall of any worth this fall made Reese very excited.  She could not wait to get out of the car so that she could play in the snow.  She insisted on building a snowman, but as you can see that just wasn't going to happen.  So instead she had a blast throwing snow up in the air so that it fell down onto her face.  That entertained her for quite some time.

So often Reese acts like Callie's friends are her friends and we feel guilty that she doesn't get to hang out with kids her own age as much.  But her friend Maggie stepped in when she was allowed to bring a friend to her dance class.  Reese was excited to go and they had a great time in their dance outfits.  The two of them are very cute together.

The fall also means Thanksgiving and the potential for awkward elementary school Thanksgiving celebrations.  Or awkward at least if, like John, you don't want to deal with the inappropriate headdresses and lack of proper historical perspective about the event in question.  Fortunately for everyone involved, Callie's class chose to do turkeys and we all enjoyed a fun Thanksgiving lunch at Callie's school.  It 's always fun to get to see Callie in her element at Cassidy.  She feels so comfortable there and it makes us happy.

Speaking of comfortable, who doesn't like to soak their feet every now and then?  Here we see Callie and Murphy relaxing as they take in one of the many spa treatments offered at their friend Elizabeth's birthday party.  This birthday party was simply over the top with a series of luxurious spa experiences.  The girls couldn't get enough of it and giggled throughout each treatment.

If you can see through the mud masks, this is Callie with the birthday girl.  Please take note of the head bands and the robes which were two of the numerous giveaways that Callie came home with.  Thankfully, Callie hasn't asked for this type of treatment at home yet and has yet to request a full spa day after a rough week at school.  She did, however, wear the headband every day for about a week after this party.  She will remember the whole experience for quite some time.

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