Saturday, September 7, 2024

Christmas at Home

 We flew home from London and made it back to Lexington on the evening of December 27. Call us crazy or sentimental, but we wanted to celebrate Christmas in a more traditional fashion the next morning. This meant that even as the girls went to bed, we stayed up to prepare for the next morning.

Our second Christmas began with the classic photo at the top of the stairs. Callie and Reese slept well but were also fresher at this point because they were still on London time. We were happy to be able to recreate a semblance of the typical Bowes family Christmas.

Part of this typical experience included quiche that Sarah had made that morning and it all made for a fun transition back into our Lexington world where iconic landmarks weren't everywhere we looked. Once we had opened presents and had some good food we settled into a long lazy day of sitting around and not walking anywhere. We had earned it.

The very next day, however, we were in motion once again preparing for a night of Tape Ball with the Abrahams. We hadn't seen Ella and Claire since they left for college back in August so it was wonderful to spend time with them and share in the fun of ripping apart a ball made up of London newspapers in order to compete for prizes like a jar of pickles.

John and Sarah also wanted to make sure Claire saw one of their favorite Christmas gifts. We made sure everyone in our family got George Fox women's lacrosse t-shirts in honor of Claire. Hopefully we will be able to go and see her play in person before she graduates.

And before we knew it, the year was coming to a close. We packed so much into 2023 and could barely believe a new year was on the horizon. In a sign of the times we had to get a family picture early in the day before Callie went off to celebrate with her friends. All four of us can't wait to see what 2024 brings. 

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