Monday, January 18, 2021

Easter at a Socially Appropriate Distance

One of the adaptations to life in a pandemic for us has been online church. We are fortunate that technology allows us to stay connected in that way, and our church has also tried to keep the congregation involved by having different members record the readings for the week. Reese and John were asked to do a reading for Easter, so they had to pre-record it. One look at this picture tells you all you need to know about what it takes to look the part in a virtual world. They say a mullet is "business in the front and party in the back." Well Covid has introduced the virtual world of "professional up top and comfy down below."

As we have previously discussed, Callie was becoming quite a baker. For Easter she delved into Pinterest and came up with a caramel-filled toasted coconut delight that looked like an Easter basket. So fun and so good. She is definitely helping us up our game.

Since the virtual world has brought out our costume side, we thought that Easter sunday was the perfect opportunity to bring out our old Easter bonnets and fascinators that the girls had made years before for a Derby day. There was certainly a lot to celebrate on this day, as we took advantage of the smallest opportunities to be together with Chrismans even if it meant Easter would be outdoors and at two different tables.
Fortunately the weather cooperated and we were comfortable with a blanket or two for some. The spring overall was relatively warm, which made gathering outdoors that much easier. Sharon and Chris once again made a wonderful meal and we felt blessed to share another Easter with them.

It certainly helps that Chris shares a love of peeps with most of the Bowes clan. It didn't take but a few seconds for Reese to open up the skewer of Peeps that the Chrismans gave the girls for Easter. This is no fake smile in this picture.

In honor of our governor Andy, Sarah convinced the Easter bunny that the theme for this year's Easter basket should be healthy at home. The Easter bunny was happy to cooperate and, next to some candy provided a lacrosse stick, a soccer ball, a few books for reading and a one with baking recipes, and other goodies to keep them entertained within our four walls. 

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