Saturday, May 23, 2020

October in a little more

Hall's School of Dance was still going strong in October. The girls knew exactly what to do and although they still didn't really talk to the boys, they understood that they at least had to sit next to them. It's all about baby steps. The main conversation that swirled around Hall's was panty hose and ice cream, a duo of torture and reward that the girls will know for a lifetime.

Meanwhile Reese and her soccer team were getting to know each there better as the season wore on. Because half of the team attend the same elementary school they had a good foundation of friendship, but the time they were spending together just made it even stronger. They are a great bunch of girls, and pretty darn good soccer players too.

One great thing about living in a college town is you get the opportunity every now and then to be ball girls at the college games. On a beautiful night in October Reese's team served as the ball girls for a UK women's game and they had a blast. And they were also very dedicated, leading the UK person in charge to say they were the best ball girls they had had so far. We always seek to exceed expectations.

Callie's crew hit another away game, their friendship as strong as ever. It was already turning out to be a great season. They appreciated their coaches, the dedication and positivity of their teammates, and over course the wins that were coming with relative frequency. In fact, their team won the league! As parents we were so proud of how they had handled all of the adversity the previous year, and it made this season so much sweeter.

One fall must have for the Bowes family is the Cassidy Variety Show. This always brings a great deal of entertainment, along with numerous rehearsals of some dance number or other. With Callie off in middle school we only had to deal with one act overall, but that one act was a handful of personality. Reese and her friends were and are a hoot. They danced up a storm and had a lot of fun doing it.

One Saturday we also had the opportunity to use the Chrisman and Leatherman football tickets. Reese was the most excited overall, because she had not been to a game before and had heard so much about the fancy, all you can eat club house room that accompanied these season tickets. The food did not disappoint, and Reese could have stayed in there eating all night long. Fortunately, she also wanted to see the game from the great seats we had.

No one would have blamed her for staying inside that night, however, because it was raining pretty heavily for just about the entire game. We had come prepared though, with rainproof blankets to cover our legs and raincoats to deal with everything else. The lifesaver was the fact that it was in the 60s, so we weren't too cold. We were just wet. But the game was exciting and the girls didn't want to leave, so we stayed to root on the Cats to a big victory over Missouri. It was a great time.

Speaking of weather issues, for the second time since the girls have been of trick or treating age, the city of Lexington rescheduled Halloween because of severe thunderstorms. This year was a little strange since the rescheduled time was for Saturday from 3-5pm. But daylight did not hold these Chippettes back from going door to door for treats. Callie's friend Molly, who she has become close to in 6th grade, and Callie had the great idea of being Chippettes with another friend Molly. And when the second Molly couldn't do it Reese got to step in.

The smile alone shows you how happy Reese was to be a part of the trio. And we were so proud of Callie for being just as happy to have Reese join the crew. They really do have a special relationship. We also want you to take a moment and appreciate the face make-up done by our very own Sarah. Apparently she is better with the heavy handed costume approach then the light handed daily make up approach.

We didn't venture out alone, however, and joined up with Callie's friend Lydia and a host of other families to take on the neighborhood. One of our favorite parts of Halloween as parents has been blunting the crisp fall evening air with a portable glass of wine or other beverage. We were happy to see that other parents didn't let the change of time disrupt this tradition. In other words, a good time was had by all.

The carpooling group for Hall's expanded over the course of the fall, and by Thanksgiving we needed two cars. And if you think we have shared a lot of pictures from this experience, just know that you are only getting a selected few. It may have been the most photographed dance class experience ever.

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