Sunday, April 26, 2020

And this happened too...

It is always a treat when Nana Banana and Sport come to town. Over the years they have seen quite a few of our favorite places in Kentucky, and area also used to just jumping right into the craziness of our day to day life. This time around we were also able to fit in a trip to Buffalo Trace Distillery for a tour. The great thing about the bourbon distilleries is that they always seemed to be nestled into the most beautiful corners of Kentucky, and you don't have to even like bourbon to appreciate the tours.

It's always nice when a guest offers to help in the kitchen, and even better when your daughter offers to help that guest. Sport taught Reese the proper techniques of peeling and deveining shrimp. We are hopeful that she will use this newfound skill often in the future.

Over the past couple of years we have tried to make a point of having a family date night at least twice a year. It seemed only appropriate that when the Sound of Music came to the EKU Center of the Arts that we should buy tickets and make it a date. This musical is a family favorite and the girls have watched the movie half a dozen times. It was fun to watch them sing along at their first off-Broadway musical.
This spring we also had to say goodbye and good luck to the associate pastor at our church, Caitlin. She has been such a wonderful presence in our lives and in the community. Although we were sad to see her go we know that she will do great things out in Colorado. And hopefully when we go out to visit the Hannens we will be able to call her up and have a beer.

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