Sunday, May 6, 2018

Move and Demo

In late June we got the green light to start the renovation of our house that we had been thinking about for years and planning for months.  Our contractor required us to move completely out of the house, and when we say completely, we mean everything had to go.  It's funny how much you can collect over ten years, especially when you have a big basement and bring two little girls into the world during that decade of home ownership.  We sorted things into three piles - moving to our rental apartment, putting in storage in the Pod, or giving to Goodwill/throwing away.  We were so proud of our packing job of the Pod that we had to take a picture.

Not sure if you have ever used a Pod before, but it was a pretty amazing experience to see it all work.  The drop off of the empty Pod was one thing, but picking it up was just as amazing.  Just like that, a truck came and drove away with a bunch of stuff we would have to live without for the next five months.

Demolition goes fast.  Before we could blink the demo team had already taken apart the back patio in preparation for taking down the back wall on the first floor.  Even though we knew it was coming it was still an incredible sight.  People asked us if it was hard to see, but honestly it was just exciting.

The inside demo job was even more aggressive, and we stopped by one afternoon to see the shattered remains of what we had used as our den.  In all of the HGTV shows they have scenes of the owners participating in Demo Day, but we were so tired from the mass exodus that we had not desire to lift a sledge hammer.  But it was fun to come and see.

Within a week we could walk through the entire downstairs of our house without encountering a wall of any sort.  It was just studs as far as the eye could see, and a small glimmer of what was to come.   It was also pretty amazing how quickly the dumpster in our front yard filled up and how clean the worksite was overall.  The building part hadn't even begun and we knew we had made a good choice of contractor.

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