Sunday, September 16, 2012

Summer's Greatest Hits

This year we managed once again to get together with the Johnson's to take in the Fourth of July festivities in Lexington. Needless to say, it was hot. The excitement of the parade was overtaken at times by the heat and the humidity.

Fortunately, there's no heat that can't be beaten by some Italian Ice and parental strategy about the angle of the sun and the tallest building in Lexington. In short, we managed to be out of the sun for most of the parade.

Despite the heat, Reese enjoyed Lexington's finest strolling down Main Street and showcased her spirit by waving the flag handed to her by one of the marchers. Although the parade seemed shorter than past years, it was still a good show. And it was nice to have a day like this to transition back to Kentucky from our Cape Cod vacation mode.

And once we returned from Cape Cod there were no travel plans for the rest of the summer. This meant, among other things, the opportunity to schedule much overdue playdates with friends like Maddie, who Callie has known since the two were three months old. They are inseparable at school, and were both very excited at the idea of spending extra time together.

Of course, Reese is now at an age where she wants to do everything Callie does. So if Callie is going to hang off the rings at the playground, than Reese needs to do it to. Not pictured here is the moment Reese let go before either of her parents were prepared to catch her. Fortunately, Reese remains one tough cookie, and brushed the wood chips off of her face and carried on.

Of course nothing says successful play date quite like a trip to Orange Leaf for some frozen yogurt. And the girls wanted to sit at the big table away from the adults.

All in all, everyone wins when frozen yogurt is involved.

Of course, we also have to take as many opportunities as possible to plug the NCAA Champion Wildcats and their head coach. It's kind of a state law/city ordinance. So here is the obligatory picture of the Caliberry flavor offered at the Orange Leaf near our house. We have it from high level sources that Coach Cal is one of the owners of this particular franchise. And of course we do what we can to support Big Blue Nation.

But we end the post with a status update of our youngest, Reese Harper. As you can see from this picture, Reese is constantly in motion. She will smile for the camera, but good luck getting her to sit still.

When this picture was taken she was a little over eighteen months old, and that provides us the opportunity to give you some statistics. She is 31 inches tall, placing her in the 30th percentile. And she weighs in 20 lbs 12 oz, which is right there in the 7th percentile. The old noggin is 47 3/4 cm, which is the 80th percentile. She is healthy as can be, but she is a wee lass. And if we had to pick three adjectives to describe her, they would be happy, fearless, and loving. We are very lucky.

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