Thursday, June 25, 2009

Lucas Family Reunion

Let's start by setting the scene. It is the last weekend in May. We have driven a total of four hours and been on two airplanes for a total of five hours. Our destination rests in the heart of California's interior - a small town named Coalinga and a small resort called Harris Ranch. For people from California, it's the place on I-5 about halfway between LA and San Francisco literally right next to the largest, smelliest cow farm you have ever seen. We kid you not. The steaks were good but the smell could have been better.

That being said, what mattered most was the reason we were there. It was the 2009 reunion of the Lucas family - all of the descendants of seven Lucas siblings who represent the great-grandparents of Callie's generation. It was quite a crew to say the least. But we got into town early which meant we had the pool to ourselves.

Sarah made a great call and bought an inflatable floaty and lots of sunscreen. Callie was a very happy child. She spent a lot of time in the floaty, splashing around and just hanging out. It was fun to see.

When she wasn't floating around, she enjoyed climbing up and down the stairs on the side of the pool. She particularly liked splashing around with Grammy Gayle and they spent a ton of time together. Here is a picture of the two partners in crime sharing some fun in the sun.

Next up we have a picture of a couple of bathing beauties who are clearly having a blast. Callie is definitely mimicking her parents in actions and words. So if her Mom was going to lie on her towel and get some sun, that was what Callie wanted to do. They truly are a cute pair, aren't they.

Speaking of cute pairs, here's a picture of Zac and Keith at the reunion dinner on Saturday night. Two things are now official - Keith is taller than Zac and at the time we write this Keith is also a high school graduate. These two brave souls also jumped out of a perfectly good airplane this past week to celebrate Keith's graduation. Nothing like a little skydiving to bring father and son together.

The cute pairs just keep on coming. Callie loved hanging out with Keith and we have quite a few pictures of the two of them cutting a rug on the dance floor. It's amazing to see how great Keith is with Callie. She just can't get enough of him and can't wait to see him at Thanksgiving.

The dance floor seemed to be populated primarily with people under 3 feet. For those of you who attended our wedding, you know that the Lucas clan loves to dance. And the youngest generation is carrying on that tradition proudly. Here's little Brady Lucas and his parents, Tyler and Sara, getting the party started.

Callie really enjoyed hanging out with Brady who just celebrated his 1st birthday. The two of them started their night off by rolling around in their great grandmother's walker, moved on to enjoy the fine buffet, and then hit the dance floor like nobody's business.

There may have been some moments where Brady wanted to dance solo and Callie would not let go of his hand, but I guess she's a girl who knows what she wants and doesn't give in easily. It was fun to watch.

Grandpa Dan took advantage of hanging out with Callie and truly lived up to the "anything goes when Grandpa's around" motto. As you can see here, Callie is eating "fruit" which just happens to have a wee bit of chocolate on it. Honestly, if there was some chocolate with a wee bit of fruit on it Grandpa would have let her have it as well.

The night ended with Great Grandma Hazel hanging out with her girls. It's always cool to see several generations together like that. And though you can't tell from this picture, there is another girl in the mix. Haley is pregnant and expecting a little girl in November. Needless to say, Thanksgiving is going to be a lot of fun with the ever growing family.

It was a quick trip to California, and we were on a plane leaving San Jose by noon on Sunday. But the traveling was well worth it. We saw so many people, John learned to play the Portuguese card game called pedro, and Callie got to meet more cousins than she knew what to do with. Hopefully there will be another reunion soon.

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