Friday, July 11, 2008

Trip to California Part I - Monterey

Here we are...the first of a two part report on our trip to California at the end of June through early July. So much happened on the trip and we saw so many people that it is going to take the two posts to tell all about it. We begin with the first part of our journey - the six days we spent in Monterey. By the way, there are 17 pictures in this one, so make sure you are well fed and hydrated before you sit down to read.

As many of you already know, Katherine Elyse Perrone was born on March 18, 2008 to her proud parents, Lauren and JP. It took a little over for three months for Kate and Callie to meet, but they finally did. And from the way that Callie cried every time she was separated from Kate, it looks like there might be a lifetime of friendship here.

So we did everything we could in the short time they were together to keep them next to each other. Here Lauren manages the two little ones. It really was incredible how much Callie was into Kate. She certainly likes other babies, but not quite in the same way.

We (and by we I mean Sarah and Lauren) also managed to do a photo shoot of the two young ladies in their swim wear. Due to the forest fires in California and the ashy skies, this shoot took place inside. Nevertheless, the results were fantastic. Both Callie and Kate are very photogenic.

Making an unannounced and quick visit was Callie's Auntie Gretchen. She arrived on Saturday afternoon and left early Sunday morning for a flight to the East Coast. But Callie loved every second she got to spend with her and can't wait for her next trip to Kentucky.

We were lucky enough to get a good number of Callie's other California aunties together while we were out there. It was definitely a full house and we had a great time. We went to Cannery Row, enjoyed a bottle of wine or two, and watched Denise's stand up comedy routine once or twice. Keep an eye out for her at a comedy club near you.

All in all, it was great having everyone there. Of course, the days passed too quickly and it was soon time for most of the crew to head back to Los Angeles. But before everyone left, we had a few more visitors.

Pictured here are three generations of Yee women. Lauren's parents took the opportunity to drive down to Monterey and say hello. Since Sarah and Lauren were college roommates and have known each other for seventeen years, it was a great opportunity for the Yees to meet Callie as well.

As all grandparents can imagine, Grandpa Dan enjoyed every moment he could with Callie. He hadn't seen her since she was three weeks old. And now that she is a whopping nine months, she is very different. She is crawling, making lots of noises, and loves to play.

As Grandpa Dan also found out, she also loves to read books. No Herman Melville quite yet, but she definitely likes to sit down in an easy chair and have a good book read to her. It was so great to see the two of them together and Callie can't wait to hang out with her grandpa again.

We also got some time to just hang out as a family. One of Callie's newfound joys is pictured here. Although she cannot walk yet she is beginning to train to be a fencer. We are starting with straws and working our way up from there. In just a few years she will be ready to learn the real basics from her Uncle Chris.

It was amazing to be able to take Callie to the Monterey Bay Aquarium since Sarah went there when it first opened. It is such a wonderful place and they have so many things for little kids to do and learn about sea life. In one interactive room, Callie and John used different shaped blocks to learn about what different sea animals like whales and dolphins like to eat. Please note that these animals do not in fact eat blocks. Just a learning tool for the kids. We try to be educational as much as possible.

But there is more than just one interactive room. That's just how good this aquarium is. Here we see Sarah dressed up as a sea horse while Callie is dressed up as a clown fish. It is going to be so much fun to take Callie here as she gets older.

How is everyone doing so far? You hungry? Thirsty? We are over halfway through this first post, and we are a bit tired. But once we finish typing it is a reward of Graeter's mint chocolate chip ice cream. Trust us, it is worth every typed word.

Although we didn't get out to the beach a ton, we were able to take a walk along the seashore. This picture is hopefully one of many we will take in Monterey over the years. At this point, Callie hasn't realized how many times she will have to put up with the "this is where we got married" stories. You can just see the innocence in her eyes at this point. Poor girl.

We also got the opportunity to visit Sarah's cousins Heath, Ola, and Bella. Not only did we get together one night for happy hour, but we also took a fun road trip to Roaring Camp in Felton, CA to take a steam train through the redwoods. This first picture shows the two dads trying to assert control of their daughters before the train had even started. Good luck with that.

The train ride was a lot of fun and even though we claimed to be doing it for Callie, she had no real clue of what was going on. She did like the breeze in her hair, and we were fortunate that the random spider/wasp/or other stingy thing chose to bite John and not her. We chose not to include pictures of John's slightly swollen right ear. Seriously, it hurt!

This picture shows the growing Rocha family - Heath, Bella, and Ola from left to right. There is another baby due to arrive in December. This time a boy will be joining the family, and it looks like someone will finally snatch up the name Lucas. Sorry, Haley.

Any good family attraction has a gift shop, and Roaring Camp is no different. Sarah couldn't pass up getting Callie a little engineer hat. As you can see, she is absolutely adorable in it.

And we end this post with one more family photo. In this picture we see John, Sarah, and Callie the train engineer. Just so you know, there was another picture with Callie facing the camera and a train going by in the background. Apparently, however, it did not show off the engineer hat well enough. Just thought you would like to know.

We should also note before we end that all of the above was made possible by the generosity of Sarah's Aunt Teri and Uncle Ron. Without them we would have been staying in a tent in the park where we got married. And we would not have looked so good in many of the pictures.

Wow. Are you still with us? Impressive. On to California post number two.

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