Sunday, December 2, 2007

Has it really been two months????

We often find ourselves looking at Callie in contradictory ways these days. At times she is so small and cute. And at other times she is getting bigger by the minute and cannot be contained. Still cute, but getting bigger. It's all a bit crazy, and it is hard to believe that we brought her home from the hospital a little over eight weeks ago. And we have been taking pictures galore during that entire time. So here's a few additional pictures of Callie and what she has been up to.

Clearly she continues to be a bit of a fashion plate. Here she sits in an adorable white hat made by her Great Great Aunt Lorraine. She's in her car seat, ready for one of the many trips her parents make her endure. She's pretty much been on the go since she was born.

Callie does try to reserve a part of her day for tummy time. Apparently it's good to get babies used to lying on their stomachs to improve their neck strength and teach them the proper form for push-ups. Who knows. In any case, Callie spends some time on her stomach. What is also evident in this picture is another of her favorite pastimes - staring. She enjoys staring at people, objects, and empty space. No navel gazing yet, but most likely that is only because she's not clear on its existence yet.

The staring has been a relatively recent development. It has been accompanied by a slow move to smiling. At this point it is clear that the smiles are not always related to gas. However, they are not so long lasting that we have been able to capture it on film.

Next up we have another prop picture of sorts. Nothing cuter/funnier than a tiny baby in a big hat. Or at least that is the mindset of her parents. And who can blame them, because it is a bit of a cute picture.

This post ends with Callie admiring perhaps the most important entity in her life. For reasons we won't go into right now, a big wall in our den is adorned only with a small painting we bought on our honeymoon in Costa Rica. Callie has taken an extreme liking to "Timmy the Turtle." Cries of frustration are soon soothed when she is given the opportunity to gaze at the shell of her beloved. She could stare at him for days.

Hopefully the above gives a little more insight to what little Callie is up to these days. She is pretty amazing from our incredibly biased perspective. And now that we are in December she is getting revved up for the next batch of holidays.


West Coast Mom said...

Thanks for the new batch of pictures. They came just as my withdrawals were getting critical. It was Great Aunt Mary who called me to let me know they were up. She said that she noticed that it was '2:30' (tooth hurty) and that made her think of me! Sarah, you'll have to explain that one to John.

Keep 'em coming. Love you all.

West Coast Mom said...

Thanks for the new batch of pictures. They came just as my withdrawals were getting critical. It was Great Aunt Mary who called me to let me know they were up. She said that she noticed that it was '2:30' (tooth hurty) and that made her think of me! Sarah, you'll have to explain that one to John.

Keep 'em coming. Love you all.