Saturday, June 16, 2007

First June update

Welcome to the first update of June. Surely the updates will come fast and furious as the weeks go by. For the time being, we have a few notes of interest before we get to pictures of Sarah, circa week 25. Obviously, if you are only interested in seeing Sarah's current condition, feel free to skip over the next two reports.

On the first Friday in June we received a surprise visit from Dr. Jason McBean. The good doctor happened to be in Cincinnati over the weekend for a prep class for his medical boards. It was great to see him and he was able to check out our place. We also went out to breakfast at Alfalfa's, which for some reason would be able to give him cut up bananas on the side, but could not make a banana pancake. Go figure.

The following weekend we were in New England for a big event. One of John's former roommates, Andy Downing, was ordained as a Jesuit priest. After twelve years (yes, twelve years) of study and preparation, Downing became Fr. Andrew Downing, SJ. For those of us who know Andy from college, this was an amazing weekend in a number of ways. And it was great to see everyone who was able to make the celebration. The picture here is, from left to right, Karl Loriega (flew in from Brazil), John, Downing, Jon Otting (of Newton, MA), and Grant Davis (of Irvine, CA). All fine Jonathan Edwards men through and through.

And now for what most of you are tuning in for - pictures of Sarah and her growing belly. Unfortunately we do not have any action photos with Nutterbutter's kicks. She is active, that's for sure. But these pictures should give you an idea of where we stand in the middle of week 25.

It may be difficult to tell what the numbers are on that measuring tape, but it is safe to say that they are higher than they would have been six months ago. Okay, let's get specific. At the moment, Sarah has a waist that measures 39 inches. Her skinny jeans that she hopes to fit into again one day have a 27 inch waist. By comparison, John's waist is 34 inches. Therefore, while it is fortunate that he cannot fit into the skinny jeans, it is also clear that he is not doing enough to gain sympathy weight. We have a lot to work on.